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Program of the meeting

Par Philippe Jeanjacquot Dernière modification 11/02/2014 14:47



00195 ROMA, VIA MORDINI, 19  TEL. 06 37500227






for a creative, innovative and sustainable Lifelong Learning Europe:

(Cities Inspire Time Investigation and Exploration of Space)

King Edward VI High School For Girls,Birmingham,  U.K

Open Schoolgemeenschap Bijlmer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Lycée Charlie Chaplin, Lyon, France



Humankind’s greatest creation has always been its cities.

Cities represent the ultimate handwork of our imagination, testifying to our ability to reshape the natural environment in the most lasting ways. From their earliest beginnings, cities have been the places that generated most of mankind’s science, technology, art, culture, religion, & economy.

The evolution of cities embodies the story of humanity. The history of European cities is the history of Europe.

This project is designed to be an analysis of the complexity of European urban history, in Time as well as in Space, enticing the participants both to explore the fundamentals of the urban experience and to share our European civic identity. It will explore themes and specific moments of the European cultural heritage, as a channel for communication between past, present and a sustainable future; between reality and utopia.

A scientific approach will characterize the project, with a focus on astronomy, archeo-astronomy - how reading the sky in the urban space - , science, physics and technology in the past and present of the European cities.

Students of varying ages and abilities will work on activities designed to motivate at a range of levels, and will report on their findings through conferences and a dedicated website.

Both the intercultural theme and the innovative strategies of outdoor education can stimulate students’ creativity and will make a great contribution to their personal development and the key life-skills and competencies needed to take their place in society as active European citizens. 


Meetings & classes exchanges


- Lyon                       8-12 October 2013

- Rome                       25-29  March 2014

- Amsterdam              October 2014

- Birmingham              March 2015


England              14 pupils (all girls) and 3 members of staff

Netherlands        14 pupils (boys and girls) and 4 members of staff

France               10 pupils (boys and girls) and 3 members of staff

Total =               48 visitors (38 pupils and 10 members of staff)

Italy                   40 pupils hosting visiting pupils, others involved with the Astronomy Clubs,  four classes attending some WS and/or visits in the city, many teacher staff who will contribute in one way or other.

Summary of Activities

25 March Tuesday – Visitors arrive. Welcome and opening Ceremony. Visiting pupils collected by host families. Visiting staff book into hotel and eat at restaurant in Rome

26 March Wednesday  -  TOPIC “The Ancient Rome”

Morning: Workshop at school “Putting Rome on the map”

Late morning: Visit Colosseum guided  by students in multinational groups;

Afternoon:  ORISTORIA:  orienteering game –tour in Roman Forum

Late afternoon: Visit Musei Capitolini, break in the Coffee terrace

 Evening: Visiting pupils spend evening with host families. Visiting staff  -  restaurant

27 March Thursday – TOPIC “Ghetto, The Vatican city and around”

Early Morning at school: Workshop

 Morning: visit the Jewish District (Ghetto romano)

              Afternoon: St Peter’s square and Castel Sant’Angelo

              Evening (to be confirmed): Star party&observations at school 

28 March - TOPIC “The Baroque Rome

Early Morning at school: Preparation for the visit

Morning and afternoon: Visit Campo dei Fiori, Piazza Navona, Fontana di Trevi, … Piazza di Spagna, Piazza del popolo  (“walking through Rome”game-tour in multinational groups).

                 Evening: Visiting pupils spend evening with Host families. Visiting staff  -  restaurant

29 March Saturday departure

Morning: Visiting pupils spend morning with Host families. Visiting staff visit museums in Rome

afternoon: visitors to airport for departure



Detailed Programme


Tuesday 25th March

13.55  English group arrives Terminal Rome Airport.

14.55   Dutch group arrives Terminal Rome Airport.

15.00 a reserved bus will transport both groups from airport to Scuola Belli.

16.00– English and Dutch Visitors arrive at school.Welcome. Refreshments available. – terrace

16.15-18 -  English and Dutch school presentations, matching visiting and hosting pupils,flash mob in the terrace of the school

Inauguration of the 3 sundials in the astronomical terrace

16:45 French group arrives Terminal Rome Airport.

18.00French group arrives at school.

18.30 Pupils go home with host pupils/ families





Wednesday 26th March TOPIC “ The Ancient Rome”

8.10.– appointment at school. Light Breakfast Refreshments – terrace

8.30 - 9,45Astronomy lab - WS  guided by Italian pupils “Rome on the maps”: introduction to the visit of ancient Rome, Colosseo, Roman  forum

10.00Departure to Colosseo(metro A from Lepanto to Termini + metro B from Termini)   (guests&teachers + class 2H & teachers: Fucili, Filippone, Giliberti)

11,00- 13.00.visit Colosseo in  groups

13.00. -14 break/packed lunch. Flash mob

14.00-16.00.Orienteering “ORISTORIA” in Palatino and Roman  forum (13 groups. Each group is to be monitored by a nominated teacher)

16.00 class 2H & teacher Giliberti return to school

16.30. visit Piazza Campidoglio & Musei Capitolini (guests&teachers + class 3H & teachers: Fucili, Filippone)

18.00 drink at the coffee terrace of the museum

19.30. –Return at school/ Hosting families take visiting pupils home.


Thursday 27th MarchTOPIC “TheJewish District,Vatican city and around”

8.10a.m.– appointment at school

8,10 -9,45a.m – Workshop at school (in multinational groups).

9,45  – 10.00 break

10,00 a.mdeparture to Jewish District/Ghetto (interactive visit in groups)

(guests&teachers + class 3H & teachers: Fucili, Filippone)

12.30 -13.30free time for lunch for visitors;  class 2H return to school for lunch

13.45 appointment in Saint Peter’s square, near the obelisk (guests&teachers + class 3H & teachers: Fucili, Filippone). Visit of the square and the basilique

15.00 – 16.30flash mob. Visit castel sant’Angelo

18.00   Return at school/ Hosting families take visiting pupils home. Dinner at home




20.30Star party at school (to be confirmed) 

CITIES games guided by the English group + Roman games guided by the Italian pupils

22.00  Hosting families take visiting pupils home.


Friday 28th  March  TOPIC “Rome in Renascence Time

8.10a.m.– appointment at school

8,10 -9,00a.m – Preparation to the visit

9,30 a.mdeparture from school to  lungotevere Farnesina/piazza Trilussa (bus 280)

10,00 a.m – 5.00 p.m.WS “Walk across Rome” (interactive visit in groups. Each group is to be monitored by a nominated teacher) (steps: Palazzo Spada, Campo di Fiori, Piazza Navona,  St. Ignatius Church, Pantheon, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, Trinita’ dei Monti, Piazza del Popolo)

           12.30 -13.00free time for lunch for visitors or  packed lunch;

16.00- meeting in Trinita’ dei Monti, in front of the church. WS about the sundial

16.30– walk to Pincio (Mira di Secchi), flash mob

Visit in Piazza del popolo: S. Maria del popolo (Caravaggio)

18.00metro A from P.le Flaminio to Lepanto

18.30– Return to school and greeted by host families to take visiting pupils home


Saturday 29th March


The French team departs from Fiumicino at 12:50 (meeting at school about 9,30 a.m.)

Morning: Visiting Dutch and English pupils spend morning with Host families. Visiting staff visit museums in Rome

  Afternoon: departure of the Dutch and English teams to airport 

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Arts and Stars
  • Responsable du site : Charles-Henri Eyraud
  • E-mail : charles-henri.eyraud [arobase]
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