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You are here: Home / Comenius CITIES / Description / Objectives and strategy

Objectives and strategy

by Philippe Jeanjacquot last modified Jan 23, 2014 02:29 PM
CITIES will develop for students & teachers innovative strategies for lifelong learning, opportunities to develop their competences, and will open the school to the cities, museums, Institutions and Europe. 


1. help pupils acquire the basic life-skills such as an inquiring attitude, the ability to integrate multiple sources of information, the awareness of both national diversity and European common culture;
2. ensure the acquisition of key basic competencies for lifelong learning with attention to children with special needs and a migrant background;
3.  develop cross-cultural understanding and transversal competences
4. support the development of innovative ICT content and make pupils become producers, not just consumers, of ICT material;
5. encourage the learning of foreign languages;
6.  improve the professional development of teachers in a European dimension by  sharing  good practice;
7. bring innovative teaching to the class (outdoor education, new technologies, co-teaching); 
8. increase the link between the school and external  partners (industries, museum, universities,  educational institutes,  schools of architecture);
9. involve the parents in the life of the schools.


1. Cities as a subject of multidisciplinary studies (mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, history, ITC,  languages, environment, philosophy, technical sciences, arts)
2. Outdoor education
3. Exploring the space of the city
4. Investigate time through the city
5. The idea of the city (anthropology of urban shape)
6. Topography 
7. Technologies of constructions
8. Astronomy and the city
9. Visions of cities: poems, videos
10. City and citizenship
11. Mathematics and geometry in the city
12. Arts in the city
13. Sustainable development and the city
14. Games/drama/performances in the city
The APPROACH will be experimental, with workshops, group activities, peer learning, city trips, visits & social activities addressing the best practices within outdoor education. 
Each school will develop & implement specific content, shared through a website.  The project is interdisciplinary, focused both on scientific disciplines and on humanities. Students of various ages, levels and abilities will be involved. The activities will be structured to allow contributions at many different levels. Partnerships with museums, industries and universities will allow us to profit from their resources & to disseminate pedagogical innovation to the wider educational community.

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  • E-mail : charles-henri.eyraud [arobase]
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