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Questions for the game

Par Philippe Jeanjacquot Dernière modification 05/06/2015 10:18
The game is based on the rules of the snake and ladders game. The puplis can go further when they answer to the question.

The beggining of the game

1) How Lyon was called during the Roman Empire?

  • Leonem.
  • Lugdunum.
  • Quenellium.


2) Two buildings have been discovered on the top of Fourvière hill in Lyon, an odeon (Lat. odeum) and a theatre (Lat. theatrum). What is the difference between them?

  • The odeon was used for the music and the theatre for all other kinds of performance.
  • The theatre was used for the music and the odeon for the gladiators to fight.
  • The odeon was used for the dance and the theatre for listening to music.


3) Where does the name of Lyon comes from?



4) What is the difference between a theatre and an amphitheatre?



5) What was the name of the capital city of Gallia (former name of France) ?

  • Lutetia
  • Narbo / Parisum
  • Lugdunum



6) What represent the statues on the top of the opera house?


7) When does the Christianity appear in Lyon?


8) Which religion appearde in Lyon in the second century after J.-C.?


9) Where does the name of the Fourvière hill come from?


10) Whose motto is it? / Who had as motto the following sentence:


11) Why wasn’t Sainte Blandine eat by the lions?


12) Why is Lyon called the… Primat des Gaules?


13) Why was the Fourvière basilica built?


14) Why is the Trois Gaules amphitheatre called this way?


15) What is the older monument built in Lyon?


16) Qu’est-ce que les Tables Claudiennes?


17) Quel empereur romain est né à Lyon ?


18) Comment a-t-on redécouvert les théâtres de Fourvière ?


19) Quelle est l’église la plus ancienne de Lyon ?


20) How many aqueducts supplied Lyon with water ?


21) How many people lived in Lyon during the Roman period?


22) Qu’y avait-il à l’emplacement actuel de la basilique de Fourvière?


23) Comment Lyon est-elle devenue la capitale des Gaules ?

- par la volonté de l’empereur Auguste.

- sur un réseau de routes important.

- au centre des communications de la Gaule.


24) How many galo-romaine’s big road passed through Lyon ?


25) In the bath, what was the palestre?


26) Quels sont les deux fleuves navigables à Lugdunum ?




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