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Poster how is your CITY
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 09/06/2015
In this workshops the students design and made their own poster about their city. The posters were displayed during the last evening .
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines
Teachers and students debriefings
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 09/06/2015 Dernière modification 09/06/2015 11:38
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines / Debriefings
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 09/06/2015
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines
Famillies, parents debriefings
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 09/06/2015
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines / Debriefings
Use the smartphones sensors in the CITIES
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot Dernière modification 08/06/2015 10:15
How to use the smartphones sensors in the public transportation. Example of measuring the acceleration in a cable train
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines
Workshop Smartbuildings in the CITIES
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 08/06/2015
This workshop is about the insolation of the building, what is the best insolation, how to measure it
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines
Visit of Decines
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 08/06/2015
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines
The rehearsal
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 08/06/2015
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines / Flashmob in Lyon
Flashmob in Lyon
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 08/06/2015
How to involve arts and sports in a CITY project: the best way is to create with the students a dance performance: a flashmob. The flashmob was preparer during a special session and rehearsal the first day. During the activities in the city, the Flashmob was perform in 4 different places of the city. And the last day, the flashmob was perform in the courtyard of the school during the morning break.
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines
Opening ceremony
Par Philippe Jeanjacquot publié 08/06/2015
Rattaché à Comenius CITIES / Meeting in Décines

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